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Periodontal disease, gum disease, bleeding gums, loose teeth, stinky breath, bleeding gums, pus in gums

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Periodontal diseases range from simple gum inflammation to serious disease that can lead to soft tissue damage and bone loss. In the worst cases, teeth are lost.

There are 3 stages of gum disease:

Stage 1: Gingivitis

This is the first stage of gum disease. Gums feel tender, mildly sore, may bleed when flossing & brushing. Untreated gingivitis can advance to periodontitis and will lead to tooth loss and other health problems.

Stage 2: Periodontitis

At this stage, the plaque has spread to the tooth roots, causing inflammation to the bone & fibers. Gums pull away from the teeth. Gums are inflammed and bleed.

Stage 3: Advanced periodontitis (Final stage)

Supporting bone & the fibers holding teeth are destroyed. Teeth become loose. Increased mobility of the teeth causes the bite to change. Infection sets in, and teeth eventually have to be removed.

We recommend patients seek treatment with a periodontist for advanced periodontitis.

How do I know if I have periodontal disease??

Symptoms of periodontal disease include:

Bad Breath

Red or swollen gums

Bleeding Gums

Pain when chewing

Loose teeth

Teeth moving apart

Change in your bite

Sensitive Teeth

Research has established associations between oral bacteria (from gum disease) and many systemic diseases. Unhealthy conditions in your mouth create a breeding ground for other, more serious infections. Diseases that have been linked to oral bacterial/gum disease include:

Type 2 Diabetes

Heart Disease

Respiratory Disease

Blood Clots and Strokes

Preterm and Low Birth Weight Babies

Alzheimer's Disease

The mouth may be a portal for bacteria to spread to the rest of your body.

Pathogenic bacteria in gum disease form colonies that cause localized inflammation and damage in your gum tissue. Those bacteria may enter the blood stream through small ulcers in your gum tissue. Maintaining a healthy smile is not just an issue of vanity. It is very important to your overall health, and waiting until you have pain to see your dentist can lead to serious complications.

Periodontal disease, chronic disease, gum disease

Connection of periodontal health on your overall health

periodontal disease gum treatment bleeding inflammation

Scaling Root Planning / Deep Cleaning

Your dentist may recommend Deep Cleaning, also known as Scaling & Root Planning, for cases where there is a heavy plaque buildup, vertical bone and attachment loss. It is often the first step in stopping periodontal (gum) disease from occurring or advancing, and may be the only major work necessary if you catch periodontal disease in the early gingivitis stage.

Calculus (Tartar) is scrapped off above and below the gumline. Root surfaces are carefully cleaned to remove plaque and calculus from deep periodontal pockets and to smooth the surfaces. This helps to remove the bacteria contributing to the disease. Medications may be used with the treatment. Local delivery of antimicrobials may be utilized, targeting the periodontal pockets after scaling root planning. This helps to reduce infection or recurrence.

Treatment for gum disease may include scaling and root planning to remove bacteria, PerioProtect®, and focused laser treatment.

PerioProtect® are customized trays used to deliver the medication to the periodontal pockets in conjunction with the deep cleaning to restore and maintain gingiva health. Laser gum treat,ment is effective in reducing bacteria and biostimulating gum tissues. With laser gum treatment, the risk of infection or post-operative discomfort is reduced.

Having regular exams and cleanings every 6 months, and practicing good oral hygiene daily may help to prevent the need to deep cleanings and keep your mouth healthy and beautiful.

Periodontal Trays / Perioprotect

For Periodontal Pocket Bacteria Removal

The Perio Tray® is a medical device cleared by the FDA to place medication into gingival crevices or periodontal pockets. The design of the Perio Tray permits placement of cleaning medications deeper into the crevices and pockets than is possible with traditional fluoride trays.

The choice of medication and frequency of use are determined by the dentist. Customized trays are fabricated for your teeth, making them comfortable, easy to use, and convenient.

The PerioProtect Method is a comprehensive treatment approach to oral health that incorporates a range of dental therapies with patient homecare.

laser debridement gum disease

Laser Gum Treatment

SmileSmart Dental utilizes a Diode laser and Nd:Yag for non surgical gum treatment. The use of a laser in addition to scaling and root planing (deep cleaning) improves the effectiveness of this gum treatment. When used properly, in the course of periodontal therapy, lasers result in less bleeding, swelling and discomfort to the patient during surgery.

According to the Academy of Laser Dentistry, laser gum treatment offers several benefits, including:

A reduced need for local anesthesia or sedation dentistry

Minimal bleeding of the gums

Controlled swelling

Less postoperative discomfort

faster recovery time

How does does it work?

The diseased tissue are removed helping to decontaminate infected pockets that form between the teeth and gums. The laser is used to apply a small amount of light energy between the gum and tooth in the infected area, vaporizing the diseased tissue on the inside of the pocket and helping to reduce the bacteria colony.

Periodontal Surgery

Common Periodontal Surgical Treatments Include:

Pocket Reduction Procedures

In this procedure, the gum tissues are exposed to enable removal of subgingival calculus and reducing bacteria causing the gum disease. Once the pockets are thoroughly cleaner, the tissue is secured back in place. It may be necessary to smooth irregular bone surfaces.

Regenerative Procedures

This procedure is generally recommended when serious damage occurs to the bone supporting your teeth. If the bone can no longer support the tooth, the tooth must be removed. Regenerative processes are used when there is still a chance to restore the bone. In this case, a pocket reduction procedure is performed. During this process, bone grafts, membranes, or tissue stimulating proteins are applied to stimulate regeneration of the bone and tissue.

Crown Lengthening

During this procedure, excess gum and bone tissue is reshaped to expose more of the natural tooth. This can be done on an individual basis, or it can be performed across the entire gum line. This procedure is often recommended for those who appear to have a "gummy" smile, or short teeth. It can reduce the area over which pockets can develop, reducing the likelihood of a recurrence of periodontal disease.

Soft Tissue Grafts

In cases where the gumline has receded, soft tissue grafts can be used to restore the gumline. This procedure helps protect the teeth, gums, and bone from damage. If the gumline recedes excessively, the root of the tooth can become exposed, making it more prone to infection. In addition, the supporting bone may tend to degenerate, causing a loosening and eventual loss of adjacent teeth. By grafting soft tissue, the gumline can often be restored, reducing these dangers as well as sensitivity and the likelihood of further periodontal disease.


This is the surgical re-positioning or removal of the frenulum. This is common in upper anterior teeth with diastema (big spacing between upper anterior teeth), frenum attachment from the gingiva to the upper lip can be released to increase tooth stability and reduce the spacing. Lingual frenulectomy can be performed to decrease the pull downwards involving the tongue owing to a short tongue frenulum. Frenulectomy is a surgical procedure that is non invasive, performed with a local anesthetic and soft tissue lasers are used.

Gingivoplasty / Gum lift

Contouring of gums to reduce gummy smile. Procedure is done with laser to contour gums without need for any scalpel cutting or sutures. Healing time is reduced and there is minimal post operative discomfort.

Note: If unhealthy gum tissue cannot be repaired via non surgical treatment, surgical treatment will be needed. Complex cases will be referred to a specialist (Periodontist).

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